Monday, June 16, 2014

Author's Advice

Ok so I have decided that since I have already done this with three authors I might as well do this to all my favorite authors. Okay so you guys may have read that I once met Author Shanna Galen, yeah, so basically she gave me advice on writing then was the coolest person ever and gave me Tera Lynn Childs e-mail! Yeah so, then I e-mailed Tera completely fangirling and asked Tera if she had any advice, and she did! Then lastnight I got bored so I e-amiled my ALL TIME FAVORITE AUTHOR, WHO IS THE BEST PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, and asked HER for advice. I guess where I'm going with this is that form now on on this post (The one you are currently half reading, yeah I know you just skim to the  parts in all caps) and let you guys know the advice that they gave me! Sound cool? No? Well... go away then! I think this is freakin awesome so get lost! Okay so here is the advice:

"Whatever you do just don't give up. It may take years to finally get noticed but you can never give up." 
-Shanna Galen

"You should write what you want to write and not what you think you need to write. Also, try to write every day even if you don't get a lot of word count in."
- Jennifer L. Armentrout

"My best advice for aspiring writers is exactly what you're already doing:read as much as you can and write as much as you can. One more thing you can do is become a keen observer of life, notice the little things (like how the cafeteria always smells like overcooked tuna casserole and how your best friend's eyes light up around the boy she likes) becasue those are the details that make writing come to life. 

Also, never give up. Just keep writing (and make sure you write all the way to the end, because every book/story you finish teaches you more than any teen writing classes ever could)." 
-Tera Lynn Childs

Right now I am currently waiting to hear back from C.C Hunter. 

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