Monday, September 8, 2014

Book to Movie review for If I stay


Ok so I recently got a chance to see the new movie adaptation of the book If I Stay by Gayle Forman. Here is what I thought;

I feel like the book was done a great justice. Although the movie did make some minor changes(that feel like anything but minor to the fans of the book) it was still pretty spot on. I feel that the casting was amazing-apart from my own image of Adam basically being a god and no actor ever being able to live up to that expectation- and the music was AH-MAZING! The second I heard Adam (a.k.a Jamie Backley) sing I said "This is him. His voice. Exactly how I heard it in my mind." Everything about the movie made me as happy, sad, angry, frustrated, and confused, as the book did. I honestly cannot stress enough how well this was put together. I don't have many complaints for the adaptation but of course I'm going to say my few anyways. Ok so it bothered me that Mia didn't look like she was that injured-like in the book half her face was peeled off and she was supposed to need plastic surgery but in the movie she really escaped with only a few cuts and bruises (AS CAN BE SEEN). Also her father was not supposed to have been brought in to the hospital along with her, he was supposed to have died upon impact. Also to add on to people being brought to the hospital... TEDDY WAS NOT  SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN BROUGHT TO THE SAME HOSPITAL AS MIA! I got super mad at first when Teddy was at the same hospital but I slowly got over it when Mia got to have that touching moment in his room, although it did dull down the shock when Willow steps out of the elevator to see Mia. I mean year she wouldn't leave him for a LONG time but if he is at the same hospital as Mia then why shouldn't she go visit his sister? I'm just saying that it made more of a "HOLY SHIT" in the book because she left the WHOLE HOSPITAL, and like drove a long time away. The movie just sort of took that away for me I suppose. I also didn't like a few other things but they were so small that I'm pretty sure no one else except me would care about them. Overall I enjoyed the movie and feel that it was an EXCELLENT adaptation. 5 stars from me!

(Can we take a moment though to just give total respect and awe to the bone chilling 'Teddy as a baby, never going to grow up' montage moment? I mean COME ON! That was freaking beautiful and had me sobbing like no other. Also the one with her parents was amazing. ANNNNDDDD the ending?!?!?!?!?! The way the mixed Adam's song with the cello, and the loud crashing/breaking noises... WOW! JUST WOW! Round of applause to whoever came up with that!)

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